Sunday, August 11, 2013

Following A Daily Aspirin Regimen May Subject You To Becoming Prone To Bruise Easily!

Following A Daily Aspirin Regimen May Subject You To Becoming Prone To Bruise Easily!

By Jan Doan

If you're a person that is affected by weather changes, or you live with a lot of pain, then chances are that you might take quite a bit of aspirin. But what you might not know is that full strength aspirin can tend to make you bruise, or make you more prone to bruising easily. You might want to think about how aspirin is affecting you if you notice lots of new bruises on your skin.

Why would aspirin cause you to bruise more easily? The reason that aspirin might be the culprit for your easy bruising is that it is an anti-platelet aggregate. This means that it stops your platelets from clumping together or clotting. While it does not work like a normal "blood thinner", it can end up having much the same effect.

If you develop a wound from a slip, fall, or cut, many doctors are now recommending that you take a painkiller other than aspirin. It's important for a cut or wound to clot in order to heal quickly. Aspirin will work to prevent clotting, and the wound will bleed more than it otherwise would. So this is why aspirin isn't always a good idea as a treatment for wounds.

Bruises are formed when there is an injury to the body, or blood vessels. If the skin at the point of contact doesn't have a cut or a break in it, then a puddle of blood will collect beneath the skin as a result of broken blood vessels leaking. This collection of blood will discolor, and can look really bad from the outside, which is what constitutes a bruise. Certainly you'll begin to wonder about how you can reduce bruising, or if there is a way to prevent bruising altogether.

Bruising happens when pools of blood form underneath the skin. If there are no cuts in the skin, the blood has nowhere to go but to accumulate at the site of the injury. When you look at this blood accumulation, it can look dark and scary, but this is how bruising occurs, and certainly you'll want to find some means to prevent that bruising from occurring.

Bruising easily can be frustrating. You may feel like you want a way to prevent bruising, and to reduce bruising easily as much as possible. You might try hiding your bruises by wearing long clothing, but this can be hot, and look out of place. You want to look and to feel normal, but you might not know what you can do other than simply hide those bruises.

There are some proactive things that you can do. First, see if your doctor can recommend something else besides aspirin to take for pain. Since aspirin is causing you to bruise more easily, you'll certainly want to take something that isn't going to increase or enhance your bruising. The key is to make the collected blood under the skin disperse, and to encourage the blood vessels that are bleeding to heal themselves. If you can find something that does this, then you will find a way to help stop bruising from taking place in the first place.

Next, you should begin following the Bruises Be Banned daily supplement program. This all natural product works internally to help reduce bruising easily, and will also help stop bruising completely. It also helps break down the pool of blood beneath your skin, so that the bruise goes away faster. By following the program like other people from all over the world, you should soon see a noticeable difference in your tendency to bruise easily.

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