Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Keep Your Bird Bath Clean

Keep Your Bird Bath Clean

By Roland Stockwell

Bird baths are a picturesque addition to your garden, patio or yard. However, if they aren't maintained properly, they can become an eyesore. If algae and scum are taking over your bird bath, forget about washing it with harsh chemicals or bleach solutions. There are environmentally friendly solutions to keep your bird bath clean and your feathered friends happy and safe.

The best way to keep the green, organic scum from mucking up your bird bath is to prevent it from happening in the first place. Sometimes that's easier said than done, but in this case it really is pretty simple. There are all-natural products available that won't harm the birds or require constant maintenance.

Bioverse has created a special Birdbath Water Cleaner that utilizes enzymes and beneficial bacteria to prevent mineral deposits, stains and other types of organic build-up. The excess nutrients are reduced, and your bird bath problems will be a thing of the past.

It is best to give your bird a thorough cleaning before using the product. However, be sure to avoid bleach or harsh chemicals, which can be harmful to birds and other animals. Simply empty the bird bath and scrub it well with a brush or sponge. A mixture of vinegar and water also may be helpful; and there are a few soy-based cleaners that won't harm the birds. Some very mild detergents can be used, but some birds are sensitive to these, as well, so plain water is preferable.

You will want to disinfect your scrub brush or sponge (or just toss it). If you want to keep it, let it soak in some lemon juice and hot water for 20 minutes. Then spray a little Lysol on it, before giving it another rinse with water.

After scrubbing the bird bath, give it a good rinse, fill it up with clean water and add Bioverse's Birdbath Water Cleaner. Simply place the dispenser in the middle of the bird bath. The beneficial enzymes and bacteria will be automatically released for up to 30 days. Just one of these dispensers can keep up to seven gallons of water clean, but also can be used for the smallest, one-gallon bird baths. Just be sure that you keep adding fresh water to the bird bath, as some is sure to evaporate over time.

After 30 days have passed, simply take out the old dispenser and drop in a new one. That is all the maintenance required to keep your bird bath clean and beautiful. There will be no more algae or build-up and the birds will appreciate the clean, fresh water, as well.

Bioverse also has all-natural products for Koi ponds, fountains and larger water features. Don't use chemical algaecides and other products that aren't eco-friendly on your water when you don't have to. Whatever type of water feature you have - large or small -- can be healthily maintained with ease.

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