Saturday, August 10, 2013

Save Jobs With Made In The USA Products Directory

Save Jobs With Made In The USA Products Directory

By Andrea Davidson

American made merchandise is not as easy to find as it used to be. It's almost impossible to shop in stores and find products made exclusively in the USA. For any given item consumers will generally even those with an American label were manufactured elsewhere. With the state of the economy and the fact almost 30 million jobs have been lost in the last decade the made in the usa products directory provides consumers with a myriad of domestic products.

Almost any residential item and many industrial items can be found in the directories. Consumers will benefit from any personal, household, or home improvement items, as well as many novelty, hardware, and luxury items. Lists of manufacturers for small business can also be located, as well as woodworking and milling services. The most important thing about buying domestic are the jobs that are saved.

It is estimated that 5.5 million manufacturing jobs have been lost in the last decade, which has had a direct impact on American economy. For every manufacturing job lost, there are five other jobs along with that job that are also lost. When buying American products jobs are saved, and America is put to work, which is another reason to utilize the made in the usa products directory when in search of products or services.

Another consideration is stimulation of the economy. When buying domestic consumers are investing in the economy by putting back into the American economy. Workers who make products need to be paid, and part of the cost of merchandise is the cost of labor. When wages are paid, workers spend wages in their communities. Domestic products mean American workers are spending money in American communities.

Not only that, but American laws can often be vastly different from foreign laws. For instance, environmental and human rights are almost nonexistent in some foreign countries. This makes upholding abuses to workers or damage to foreign soil, water and air next to impossible. Buying domestic means consumers are assured American laws are upheld.

Labor laws in the United States also prevent employees from being forced to work long hours for little pay, and prohibit the use of child labor. The same is not true in many foreign countries, and when excessive use of children or forced hours of labor is utilized there is often no recourse for workers. When American products are purchased consumers are assured they are promoting healthy environments and fair labor for all.

Domestic products also ensure small businesses can compete in the marketplace. The cost of shipping, import and export, and customs fees can be more than many small businesses can afford in the long term. This issue alone has put many small businesses completely out of business.

For all these reasons when considering purchases consider the made in the USA products directory. Consumers will benefit from the pride of knowing they are creating American jobs and can also be assured of quality merchandise. They will also be assured of the best labor, environmental, and business practices in manufacturing. Not only that but consumers are directly influencing stimulation of the economy and being part of job creation.

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