Thursday, August 22, 2013

What You Need To Know About Bathroom Cabinet Refinishing

What You Need To Know About Bathroom Cabinet Refinishing

By Tara Daniels

If you are sick and tired of seeing those old cabinets that the previous owners had left in the house then you can do something about it. You can change the look of the home so dramatically by simply undertaking a bathroom cabinet refinishing task. You will save a lot of money and improve your own self esteem. Since replacing the cabinets can be very expensive but a fresh paint color can be just the right thing for your home and your budget.

The project will involve a couple of items such as sandpaper, clean rugs, some paint and paint brushes. When it comes to choosing the right color think about this matter very carefully. This is because the color will live with you for the longest time possible so make sure you like it. So do not rush into anything before careful thought.

If you feel that it will be a lot of work then it is suggested that you think about hiring a professional to do the job for you. This type of work requires a lot of attention and care so this means that you need to think carefully on what you want.

You need to visit the hardware store for the products that you will need. The process will start off by taking the rugs and cleaning the cabinets with warm water. After washing them you will notice that the cabinets have changed their color. After they have dried then it is time you rub them off with sandpaper. Do not do this lightly as you need to completely rough them up. A lot of sandpaper is required for this project so make sure you have a lot of it.

When you are done with the sandpaper apply the first coat of paint on the surface and leave it to dry. You can opt to take a rest when the paint is drying. When it dries off then use the sandpaper again to rub off on the surface and clean the dust with a cloth. If any dents are present then use wood filler to take care of them.

If you are not working with a professional then look for a local paint store to get your paint from there. The staff there will help in picking the right product for your needs. Choose a paint that can stand repeated washing. Also know that dark colors show more imperfections that light colors do.

You need to know you might require more than one coat to make the cabinetry look very appealing. Just make sure that each coat is allowed to dry effectively before applying another one. Also remember that you need to buff the cabinets in between coats. After all this work you should have a very nice looking cabinet at the end of it all.

This whole process might seem to many people as very easy but the truth is that it is not. It requires a person who has the skills in painting and one who has time. Patience is also a very important factor here. Since you will be stuck with these cabinets for the longest time possible then make sure you know what you are doing when it comes to bathroom cabinet refinishing.

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