Friday, May 22, 2015

Must Know Tips To Clean Your Own Pool

Must Know Tips To Clean Your Own Pool

By Marcus Ryan

With summer comes great weather, heat and if you have a pool the task of maintaining or preparing your pool for the summer. We have compiled a few important tips to teach you how you can do it yourself the right way. Depending on where you live during the winter many people empty their pools, if you have emptied your pool for the winter before you fill up again be sure to check for any cracks or anything out of the ordinary that might need repairs.

For a thorough cleaning use brushes or chemicals but that depends on the type of pool they will be used. But beware that is not recommended that you use soaps mainly because it can produce reactive effects with chlorine and other chemicals. Consider adding anti-algae products to remove any floor algae.

Don't simply fill up your pool without checking the filter and pump to make sure everything is working how it should be. Each system is different and maintenance of your water treatment system is an important aspect of keeping your pool safe from dangerous bacterias. If possible be sure to call your local pool specialist to check your pool and filter system at least once a year to make sure everything is working properly.

One effective method to maintain a pool free from bacteria or viruses in the water is using chemical treatments like chlorine tablets. You can buy them at any pool supply store and they are essential to keep your friends and family safe in the pool. If the pool has received excessive use during the summer time be sure to increase the number of tablets use and it can also be added a bit extra if it rains.

Sometimes depending on the state of the pool it might be necessary to add flocculant to remove any organic matter on the filters and make sure they are actually filtering the water properly. We hope these tips provided you with great information on how to maintain your pool safe all summer long.

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