Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The 3 Different Types Of A Small Business Owner

The 3 Different Types Of A Small Business Owner

By Heidi Shimberg

I:30:J We have been huge enthusiasts of the Book, "The E-Myth" by Michael Gerber. There is so much insight that can really guide small business owners to better fully grasp their business and why they do what they do.

Early in the book, he explains about The Entrepreneur, The Manager and The Technician. These are three very different personalities that are inside every small business owner. The reason this is such a compelling concept for Couple Entrepreneurs, is that it further proves that a couple can be more successful running their business together than alone. We have explained about understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your partner to make your business more efficient. But it is also important to further designate which of the personality traits is stronger in each of you:

The Entrepreneur - this is the Thinker and the Visionary. In our case, this is Scott. The quantity of ideas that he comes up with is astonishing! Many dinner discussions with friends, he is conjuring up a new goods and services to take to market. Each small business requires this kind of thinker since otherwise the business will get stale and not develop and mature with new thoughts, suggestions and technologies. Remember to make sure that The Entrepreneur discusses the ideas with The Manager before acting on them. The most illogical business we ventured into was owning a restaurant - The Manager of us, Heidi, expressed the perils associated with that business, however we pursued it anyway. We had a hard time and eventually shut it down and sold it.

The Manager - this is the proverbial organizer. This individual desires to visualize the actual business running. Ensuring that everything has a place, that every job is detailed and can see the start and the end of the entire process. In our situation, this is Heidi. Scott pops up with an idea for a business or a new system that we should attempt to boost our current businesses and Heidi evaluations it. She asks all the hard queries, many people might infer this as being a downer; however Scott, The Entrepreneur understands that these questions should be asked and appreciates the "Devil's Advocate" approach. But she also respects that a few of the visionary ideas have to be tried, even if each detail is not discovered in advance.

The Technician - this is the doer. Successful couples share this role. If only one partner is the Technician, then that partner will work himself or herself to the bone and can resent The Entrepreneur and The Manager. But you have to be cautious not to do the same jobs. Scott works with our web designer to build our Site, but I handle the content. Scott goes onto the home sites to meet with Subs; I talk to the different departments to ensure the process is moving forward. We often remind couple business owners to not duplicate efforts. A good analogy is mowing the lawn - you don't both have to push the mower, one can push the mower, the other can bag up the clippings.

As Michael Gerber explains in his book, in order for a small business to be successful, all 3 of these personalities must be included in every day actions. It is easy to get caught up with the doing or the managing and forget to have vision. It is great to read and learn and see vision, but there has to be actual creation. As a couple entrepreneur, you have the fortune of sharing these personality traits with your partner. You will probably realize that you manage the other parts of your life in the same ways too.

Identify these types of personality traits in you and your partner and be thankful for the incredible value they collectively provide for your small business.

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