Sunday, February 2, 2014

Finding Local Cerebral Palsy Support Groups For Parents

Finding Local Cerebral Palsy Support Groups For Parents

By Jayne Rutledge

Families who find themselves in the difficult position of having a child with special needs should utilize all the help they can get. This situation comes as a complete shock to most people. They go to the hospital expecting to leave with a normal, healthy baby, but instead find their lives have taken a completely different course. Finding local Cerebral Palsy support groups for parents is a huge part of the coping process.

As soon as a baby is born the medical staff begin to check for any signs of difficulties or problems. They score the child's condition on the Apgar Scale, which checks for such things as reflexes and muscle tone. If there are any abnormalities these can be a sign of a cognitive condition and should be investigated immediately.

Getting an accurate diagnosis is crucial as services should begin as soon as possible. Most children will qualify for the full range of services such as speech, physical and occupational therapy, plus any necessary medical treatment. These services can really make a huge difference in their future and help them prepare for school.

The benefits for parents of joining a local group is immense. They quickly realize that they are not alone and that others are there to help them. Just having an understanding shoulder to cry on can make all the difference between coping and not coping. Many thousands of families have said that the people they have met in the group have become some of their best friends. They share the struggles and achievements of their children and draw great strength from this.

Having several young children makes life stressful in itself. If one of those has a condition like Cerebral Palsy then the family will experience even more challenges. This can be made a little easier by getting help from others who have already been through it. Joining an on line group is a great way to ask questions and get ideas.

Fortunately there is a lot of help on hand for both child and family. Each local authority runs early intervention programs specifically for children with additional needs. The family should enroll their child as soon as they get home from the hospital. It can really help them to do something practical and the sooner therapy begins the better. A case worker will come to their home to start gathering information and get them set up with all the necessary help.

Once they start to develop a routine things typically get better. The parent will realize that things are not as bleak as they may have appeared at first. Their baby will begin to smile and laugh just like every other child. This will make all their hard work worth while and give their battered spirits a huge boost.

Being part of Cerebral Palsy support groups for parents has a multitude of advantages. As a new parent it can be the lifeline they need to keep them going through the first few stressful months. As a veteran parent they can pass on their skills and knowledge to others and help to make their lives easier.

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