Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Need For Industrial Noise Control In Florida

The Need For Industrial Noise Control In Florida

By Essie Osborn

In industrial environments where there are large machinery running, the sounds produced can be quite detrimental. Consulting contractors experienced in industrial noise control in Florida can help you minimize those sounds and make the environment conductive to those working with the areas. Those sounds are produced by moving parts such as metal punching, grinders, printing presses, and paper trimmers.

Although the devices such as sound curtains and baffles may be installed, they will only serve to contain the noise within the premises and protect people who are outside the building. The people working inside are still not adequately protected from those sounds. In order to aid this predicament, the workers are required to wear protective gears.

A workplace that has high levels of noises is considered unsafe to work in, and the employers should come up with mitigation measure to prevent such sounds from harming people. The sounds not only reduce the productivity levels but also become irritable. Prolonged exposure to high levels of sounds will lead to permanent hearing loss.

In addition, if workers become deaf or experience some sort of hearing damage due to those sounds, the business owners may be subjected to lawsuits to compensate the affected workers. It is the mandate of employers to ensure that workers are performing their duties within conducive environments. More than the adverse effects caused on hearing ability, the sounds could also raise systolic blood pressure and stress.

Companies are required to adapt new standard procedures in order to mitigate excessive sounds. Based on the readings obtained by the inspectors, different tools and devices may be suggested to help lower the levels of noises. Noise reduction and noise controls are both soundproofing aspects. The processes of controlling and reducing noises are aimed at blocking the transmission of sound waves from traveling through walls, ceilings, and surface floors.

Sound curtains work by using a combination of noise barrier materials and sound absorption materials. These are also known as sound blankets or hanging quilt blankets. Sound enclosures on the other hand offer a high level of control on noises using modular steel panels, which are designed to meet equipment access and ventilation.

The panels are designed based on machine specification to ensure that they leave the usable floor space for easy access and moving around the premises. The control and reduction of noises will depend on the level of sounds produced and the design of the access. The sound barriers and dampeners should be able to allow easy access and maintenance of the equipments.

Soft materials may be installed to absorb such sound waves and high ceilings are designed to weaken sound waves. These devices can minimize noises but they may do little in protecting individual workers. Such devices are mainly used to contain loud sounds within the building structures and protect the people who are outside. This leaves the workers still vulnerable to heavy sounds from machinery.

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