Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Government Insider Predicts 25-Year Depression And Anarchy

Government Insider Predicts 25-Year Depression And Anarchy

By Anne Trimble

Global news media are giving plenty of attention to a new geopolitical threat to America known as ISIS, the Islamic State in Syria, which is comprised of Muslim jihadists who are more radical than al-Qaeda. But a far greater and even more imminent threat to U.S. stability is coming from right inside our own government.

ISIS leaders look pretty pathetic when measured up against the Fed and the U.S. Treasury Department when it comes to wrecking western civilization

According to Jim Rickards, who is a government insider, we will have a depression within 25 years and anarchy will dominate the world. His opinion is not too be treated lightly, because he is not only a former economist, but also classified as a CIA threat-assessment adviser.

When Rickards says that the Feds and the US Treasury are undermining the value of the dollar by printing so much of it and adding millions to the national debt each day, he should be taken seriously. After all, he has been advising government officials and the CIA about economic realities for more than a decade.

There is a good reason why American consumers and taxpayers are depressed and worried about their country: The federal government is overwhelmed by debt and the dollar has lost value as the world's monetary standard.

That's why Rickards has been warning anyone who will listen that financial and economic bedlam in the United States and worldwide will happen within six months. In fact, he said, 16 intelligence agencies of the U.S. government have been preparing for just such a collapse by setting up secret shelters for President Obama and other top government officials for running the country in the face of the anarchy that surely will follow.

Rickards grim predictions may not be palatable, but there is good reason for him to predict a 25 year depression. Historically, too, this has happened. In the last century, it happened for 11 years during the Great Depression through the 1930s. It also happened for a longer period, for 30 years, from 1870 to 1900.

What can you do as one individual while financial and economic dislocations move underneath you like tectonic plates in the months and years to come? Well, prepare now, investing most of your financial assets in God's Money - gold and silver instruments, whose timeless value is independent of what the Fed might do, whether the U.S. dollar completely collapses, and just about anything else.

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