Friday, August 9, 2013

Analysis Of Lightning Protection In Cincinnati

Analysis Of Lightning Protection In Cincinnati

By Andrea Davidson

When lightning strikes, the effects are felt by many people and the wave of destruction is usually unbearable. This happens unexpectedly. Buildings suffer the most with some ending up in flames whereas human beings and animals are struck to death. Others become permanently disabled or paralyzed. All these can be as a result of one strike. As of such, the need for enhancing lightning protection in Cincinnati has been on high demand.

The strikes are normally a discharge of electrical current which has been accumulating in the atmosphere. With this discharge, there is need for a conductor to act as a passage for this electrical current. That is why buildings, people and animals end up being hit since they serve as suitable conductors. Due to intense amount of energy in it, the chances of survival are minimal for them whereas buildings end up being destroyed completely.

Studies have proven that there is suitable ways of dealing with this by offering a safe through way for these kinds of energy to flow into the ground. That is why strike arresting gadgets were invented. They are composed of three main parts, head, trunk and plate each situated in strategic places for efficiency in operation.

The head has spikes which are normally pointing into the sky. The plate is situated in the ground and the trunk is what connects the head to the plate. This trunk is fitted along building walls and the recommended height is per that height of any given building. The spikes need to be more than one meter above the roof of this building. Each of these parts has its own function.

Just as the name suggests, this device is used for arresting strikes. The spikes situated high up are the ones with this responsibility. Due to a difference in charges, that is positive and negative, between the clouds and the ground, this part finds it relatively easy to attract them. When arrested, the electrical energy is channeled to the ground through the trunk where the plate is situated. For maximum safety, this trunk should be inaccessible to people and animals.

Upon reaching the plate in the soil, discharge is done immediately into the soil. This is to avoid electrical appliances within the house being hit by overflow of this charge. For this reason, the effective nature of this device will depend on the rate of discharge. Where this is slowly done, then protection will not be guaranteed in any way.

The social benefit of this equipment is that it can protect several structures within the area depending on its strength and workability. This is on a radius of around fifty meters. The best option though is for each building to have its own strike arresting device so that maximum safety is enhanced especially where the possessions within it are of high value.

The use of strike devices as an equipment for lightning protection in Cincinnati has been highly recommended. Even though a times it may not be one hundred percent secure, the minimization of extend of damage is exceptional. There is a need to employ other powerful mechanisms which have the ability to protect the entire region.

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