Friday, August 16, 2013

Learn How Palatine Acupuncture Helps Ease Headache Pain Naturally

Learn How Palatine Acupuncture Helps Ease Headache Pain Naturally

By Princess Smith

Approximately three percent of the population suffers from migraines or persistent, recurring headaches. They can be debilitating and have a negative impact on every aspect of life. Analgesic drugs may dull the pain, but carry a risk of adverse side effects. Palatine acupuncturists offer a safe and natural alternative for effective headache relief

Since ancient times, acupuncture has been used to alleviate headaches and migraines. Traditional Chinese medicine is based on the theory that a vital energy called Qi circulates around the body. Symptoms of illness arise if the flow of Qi becomes obstructed along certain pathways. Acupuncture restores the correct balance of Qi energy.

When a patient with chronic headaches comes to the Palatine wellness center, they are asked a series of questions about their pain and other symptoms. An acupuncturist then inserts tiny sterile needles into specific points located around the body. They are left in place for up to thirty minutes depending on the type and severity of headache.

Acupuncture therapy is virtually painless. It is performed with hair-thin, wire needles that glide smoothly into the skin. Sensitive patients may experience a stinging sensation upon insertion, but the discomfort is fleeting. Once all of the needles are in position, most people find the sessions soothing and relaxing.

A growing number of scientific studies are finding acupuncture to be more effective than medications for reducing the severity and frequency of headaches. Western researchers believe that the nervous system reacts to stimulation by the needles, causing the body to release endorphins. These neurotransmitters bind to opiate receptors in the brain and suppress the transmission of pain signals.

Palatine acupuncturists help many headache patients to achieve long-term pain relief. Most experience a reduction in discomfort during the initial procedure. After five to six thirty minute sessions, they are no longer reliant on medication and enjoy a significantly better quality of life.

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